Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the association's annual fee?
    There is currently no annual dues from homeowners.
  2. How can the association function without annual dues?
    The Association collects a Maintenance fee from the buyer each time a property is sold.  Earnings on this accumulated principal provide for annual needs.  We also hold the line on expenses by keeping the common areas natural, and choosing not to contract for management services.
  3. How much is the maintenance fee?  How is the amount set?
    The Declaration fixed the fee at $1000 for each original purchaser, and authorized the Association to set the amount to collect on resales. A Board resolution in 2007 formally set the maintenance fee at $1000 upon each sale of a home.
  1. I am putting my home up for sale.  What do I need to do?
    By state law, you will need to provide to your potential buyer a copy of the Declaration and the By-Laws, both of which are available for download from this site.  You will also need to notify the buyer and settlement company of the maintenance fee.  Upon request, the association will provide a Resale Certificate, which specifies the maintenance fee to be collected at settlement, along with other information. You will need to contact the Board to allow them time to prepare the certificate.  At closing, arrangements should be made to pay the $1000 maintenance fee due to the association on home sales. 
  1. Am I allowed to put up signs or banners?
    No, the Declaration prohibits the display of almost all types of signage including political signage. This is one of the few areas which homeowners have asked the association to enforce the Declaration in order to maintain the appearance of the community, so we appreciate your cooperation. The Declaration makes limited exceptions for home numbers and customary for-sale signs when a home is offered for sale.
  2. Is On-Street Parking Allowed?
    Yes, it is. The roads in Silver Leaf Farms are dedicated to the borough, so we do not maintain authority over their use.  The borough does not restrict parking since the roads are wide enough to allow access to emergency vehicles even if cars are parked on both sides.
  3. Can we remove, change, or add restrictions?
    We certainly can, and the Board encourages all Members to bring any such suggestion to their attention. However, the Declaration, which contains the restrictions, is difficult to amend. By state law, it takes a 67% affirmative (abstentions count as nays) vote from the entire Membership to effect a change. Changes to the By-Laws are easier as they require only a simple majority at association meeting or of the executive board, though their scope is more limited.
  1. Who are the members of the Executive Board?
    The current members of the Executive Board are Jim Booth and Brenda Capwell.  A new volunteer is needed!
  2. How is the Executive Board membership set?
    At least one executive board seat is up for election each year at the annual meeting, or by appointment of the other board members if the annual meeting does not reach quorum.  Board members serve for three-year terms.  Any homeowner in the community may serve.
  3. Who is on the Architecture Committee?
    The architecture committee is reformed each year after the Executive Committee is elected.  If you'd like to volunteer, please contact us.